The story of where it all began... Pastor Steve and Liz share the extraordinary origins of The Road! God often uses dreams and visions to get our attention for something He is about to do. Ten years ago, alongside prayer, fasting, and prophetic confirmations, The Road was born! Learn how God spoke to Pastor Steve and Liz and brought them to Colorado to launch a Kingdom of God Revolution. | Watch Pastor Steve’s Sermons at and read his blog at
The story of where it all began... Pastor Steve and Liz share the extraordinary origins of The Road! God often uses dreams and visions to get our attention for something He is about to do. Ten years ago, alongside prayer, fasting, and prophetic confirmations, The Road was born! Learn how God spoke to Pastor Steve and Liz and brought them to Colorado to launch a Kingdom of God Revolution. | Watch Pastor Steve’s Sermons at and read his blog at