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Natural Living

At The Road, we care about your body, soul, heart, and spirit. We endorse the work of Radical Resilience and Azure in their mission to promote health and natural living in our families and community.

Radical Resilience

Radical Resilience’s mission is to provide support and education to help promote physical, emotional, and spiritual resilience in our homes and local communities.“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” 1 COR 6:19-20

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Azure is a way to secure our food delivery system from a source other then grocery stores, etc.  They are a membership of Christians who work to bring food directly to drop sites across the country.  They have an amazing selection of organic and natural foods, many of which you see in stores like Natural Grocers, Sprouts and Whole Foods.  They also specialize in food storage as well as share many tips for healthy resilience.  O

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Wellhouse Homeopathy

Utilizing Practical Homeopathy to achieve lasting balance in the body

Homeopathy only stimulates your body’s ability to heal itself.

Homeopathy is a form of medicine developed over 200 years ago by German doctor Samuel Hahnemann. Through a series of experiments Dr. Hahnemann discovered what he termed the Law of Similars. This law states that any substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person has the potential to heal those same symptoms in illness.

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