Welcome to The Road Church’s public policy engagement – Faith, Family & Freedom! The three F’s sum up much of what is important in terms of first – relationship with God and our ability to serve God with freedom in our country, state, and community. Thus, religious freedom is paramount to being able to exercise our faith. Family – our earthly biological family and being in the family of God and the relationships grown from family are central to our health and well-being. Freedom – the ability to think freely, move freely, speak freely and act freely without hindrance or restraint (in keeping with our earthly laws} always being reminded that God’s laws give us the most freedom.
Boards, Commissions, and Committees
City Council has over twenty Boards, Commissions, and Committees that are in need of citizen volunteers. There are many ways to help serve your community in ways that interest you! To see what Boards, Commissions, and Committees help City Council make Colorado Springs a better place please visit ColoradoSprings.gov/boards.
Who is My County Commissioner?
Board of County Commissioners – El Paso County Board of County Commissioners
Information on El Paso County School Districts
School Districts in El Paso County, Colorado | K12 Academics
Books to Inspire Your Civic Engagement

About Amy Stephens
Director of Public Policy at The Road
Amy Stephens is an advocate, former House Majority Leader in Colorado, government affairs executive for the leading global law firm, Dentons US LLP and is currently Principal for Fresh Ideas Public Affairs and Strategy.
She recently worked at the Administration for Children & Families in Washington DC as a political appointee serving as a Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary with a portfolio that covered foster adoption, child welfare, runaway and homeless youth, youth risk behaviors and human trafficking. Amy worked with Governors and their staff in all 50 states to make it a state priority to find homes for difficult to place foster youth.
Amy moved to Colorado Springs in 1991 with Focus on the Family. In her ten years at Focus she managed both Public Policy and Youth Culture divisions. She was Dr. Dobson’s first government affairs lobbyist going to CA and CO to speak to legislatures on children, youth and family issues. She wrote two relationship curriculums for youth at Focus, used globally and translated into 26 languages and launched Focus’ first Life on the Edge Conferences for parents and teens.
Leadership is Amy’s passion and guiding teams to success is where she excels. Amy is married to Ron Stephens who currently serves on the Board of Monument Trustees. They have one son, Nick, who is married and an attorney on the east coast.
Connect with Amy: Stephens.amyg@gmail.com or her Linked In profile