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Our Vision is a Kingdom revolution in the Rockies.

Our Mission is to empower people to change the world.

Welcome to The Road!

Join us on Sundays
8:15 | 9:40 | 11:15 AM MT

Nursery-5th Grade: 9:40 & 11:15 AM MT
6th-8th Grade: 11:15 AM MT
Nursing Mother’s Room available at all gatherings.

The Road @ Chapel Hills exists to empower people like you to change the world! We desire to see a Kingdom of God Revolution in the Rockies. Because of our vision and mission, we are committed to equipping you to be the catalyst for revival in your community.

The best place to start your journey with us is to come on Sundays! Our church family atmosphere on Sunday morning is casual and inviting. Our lobby is open with refreshments before the worship gatherings. We worship with a contemporary style of music with communion available each week. Pastor Steve Holt teaches from the Bible, chapter by chapter and verse by verse.

Values of The Road

We believe God wants all of us to be wholehearted disciples of Jesus Christ.

We define wholehearted living as loving God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and loving our neighbor as we love ourselves.


We believe a Kingdom revolution will come through a church that is

Word-rooted, Spirit-alive, and culturally-engaged.


We believe God wants to bring

revival to His church and a revolution to our city

through believing prayer and Spirit-anointed leaders.


We believe that God calls every person to be a

worshipper and warrior for the Kingdom of God.


We believe in unity in all relationships and encourage all disagreements and conflicts to be worked out face-to-face through

speaking the truth in love, listening, and forgiving each other.


We believe God’s primary way to grow us as His disciples, mature us in our character, and discover our destiny is through

deep relationships with blood-stained allies.


We believe risk-taking and bold courage

are necessary for developing wholehearted leaders who can transform the world.


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We believe God is powerful so let us pray for you!